Our story begins with a simple dream: to create a space where friends, families, and strangers alike can connect over the universal joy of comforting food. Inspired by the charm of neighborhood cafes and the desire to foster genuine connections, CUP&aCo’s founders join together to bring their dream into a reality
In 2024, Cup&Co made its debut, introducing a fresh concept in healthy dining to Nea Smyrni, Athens. With an unwavering commitment to providing wholesome and organic culinary experiences, soon the first restaurant quickly became a local favorite.
Following the success and a growing demand for health-conscious dining, Cup&Co expanded its footprint in 2025, unveiling its second restaurant in the enchanting island of Santorini. With a central location only a few steps from the KTEL bus depot, it served as comforting place for travelers on along journey.
The journey of Cup&Co reached new heights in 2026 as it expanded into the beautiful landscape of Oia, Santorini. Nestled in this iconic setting, the third restaurant captivates patrons with breathtaking views of the Santorini Sunset and a menu that celebrates the essence of Health and comfort.
As the Cup&Co family continues to flourish, the brand envisions weaving its culinary magic into more communities, with plans for additional restaurants that promise to redefine the art of healthy dining. Join us on this culinary odyssey as Cup&Co unfolds its story, one delicious chapter at a time.